Getting Ready for a Hot Tub

 In Hot Tubs

We frequently get questions from aspiring hot tub owners about maintenance, install, and general upkeep. So, we figured we’d answer some of those questions here. If you’re thinking about a hot tub, or you have one on the way, here are a few things you should keep in mind:

Where should I put my hot tub?

Hot tubs need to be on a flat surface. Beyond that, there isn’t much debate about where it goes. It can be right by your house or far away, and it can be on grass or a deck- as long as it’s flat. Hot tubs now have ABS bottoms that protect the internals from the elements and whatever they may be laying on, which frees up your options as an owner.

A piece of advice, though: think about what your experience getting in and out of your tub will be. If you have to walk through grass to get into it, you’ll have to wipe your feet before you slip in, or else you might clog your tub with grass blades. If your tub lives on gravel, it probably won’t feel too good stepping out from your relaxing tub. Because of this, we recommend putting your hot tub on a deck or pavers. 

How much power do hot tubs need?

Most hot tubs will run off of 240 Volts. Smaller ones can operate off of 110 Volts. Because they draw on less power these hot tubs can’t heat and run jets at the same time. Usually, this isn’t a big deal. But if you plan on putting your hot tub outside and using it during our Alaskan winters, you might consider a more powerful tub. Otherwise, your tub will be nice and warm when you get in, but after a little while of the jets running the water will cool significantly and you’ll be forced to get out. 

Where do I plug my hot tub in?

Many people don’t realize that hot tubs require their own breaker on a house panel. A 50 to 60 amp breaker should work just fine. Before you go out and buy a hot tub, make sure that you have the room on your panel to add something new. Old houses may not be able to supply enough power to run regular appliances and a hot tub without the expensive addition of another panel. Check before you buy!

Does my hot tub need chemicals?

Yes! All hot tubs require the addition of chemicals in order to function and stay sanitary. Otherwise your tub will begin growing harmful bacterias and algaes. Which chemicals your tub needs will vary slightly depending on the water filling your tub. We make sure to test water at your home to figure out what you need, and then we assemble a package for you. And don’t worry; We’ll explain to you when to add chemicals to keep your tub clean. 

If you have any other questions about hot tubs, give us a call! If you’ve read through this and you’re ready to buy, stop in and we’ll help you pick out your perfect hot tub. 

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